Shout out and thanks to Chris who helped me in obtaining Pepper's pick! Literally got my foot on it and had to keep shouting at the top of my lungs, "it's under my fucking foot" about six or seven times (ie. I'll knock you the fuck out if you even dare push me!!) before folk finally desisted. Chris, if you're reading this, drop a comment brother - I'll add you on Facebook.
Otherwise I had a good night, utterly disappointed they started so early and I missed most of the set but some you win, some you lose. Peace!
Other then that I wanted to say how flattered by the bands that e-mail in. Many of which feature members from other bands I've already seen live or had already listened too! It's not cause I don't dig your stuff, for the record: Chubby Thunderous Bad Kush Masters, Clouds Taste Satanic, Greenbeard, Kantamus, Soro, Sarin, Teeth, etc. The list goes on as you would imagine.
5. Sloath - Deep Mountain (Riot Season Records)
This just reminds me of my favourite Earth album (Pentastar, the most accessible one, hahaha). So yeah. Heavy stoner riffs but with a shoegazey vibe, real good.
Doom heavy metal. The songs are all well thought out, different in approach and feature quality song writing. Practically faultless.. but feels a pinch too calculated for me. Ridiculous sentiment I know.. but well worth listening too! It's on this list after all!!
Meat and potatoes riffs, classic heavy metal touches and Deep Purple keyboard inspiration. Not to mention countless displays of virtuosity throughout. I personally feels it also adopts a part of that later 80's Pentagram too. Primeval Realm have already broken up unfortunately, but at least we got this album! Absolutely love this record.
2. Crypt Trip - Crypt Trip (Poisoned Mind Records)
Ok, so not technically all new music from this year. But nevertheless. The three new tracks have really transformed their EP into a real full length. I know what you're thinking, of course dickhead - the length of the EP is extended by their inclusion! Well, whatever. You just need to get this one on heavy rotation with the others man.
I do like Stoner rock, but I'll be honest and say I'm rather picky. With Vega, there are just great riffs and vocal melodies. It is more doomy then your usual.. but to me it definitely maintains a rock feel throughout. I do actually think this album is a bit of a classic. It gives me that whole record/LP feel you know? But yo, I needz me that "Sabbath Worship" tee, hook me up!!!!!!!